Beauty & Hair - The Leading Hair Shopping Network - The Wig Experts™
 is the largest online shopping site for alternative hair in North America. For more than 20 years, we've been committed to helping you find the best in wigs, hairpieces and hair extensions. Whether you're new to wearable hair or not, our Wig Experts™ are here to help you make the right choices.

Our focus has always been to provide an outstanding shopping experience for everyone. We offer the best assortment and photography to help with your choices, and tips from our Wig Experts to answer any questions you may have. In 2015, we were honored to celebrate the 20th anniversary of We couldn't have reached this milestone without you. 

Our Timeline & Where it all Began - Back in November 1995, it was a leap of faith!
20th Anniversary - In 2015, we celebrated 20 years online.

